Michał Dębek
Michał Dębek Try Evidence foto

Michał Dębek

Kierownik badań w Try Evidence

Doctor of psychology, certified marketer and senior researcher in qualitative & quantitative methodologies. Former professor at the Institute of Psychology – University of Wroclaw, where he has been head of Consumer Psychology Track, and former head of marketing at Techland with extensive industry experience. Co-founder of Try Evidence. In video games, he likes concentrated and salient experiences.

How to create a brand that captivates millions of gamers? (Prologue)

How to create a brand that captivates millions of gamers? (Prologue)

September 20, 2019

Reading time 9 minutes

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To research, or not to research – the 3 reasons (for the VG industry)

To research, or not to research – the 3 reasons (for the VG industry)

August 20, 2019

Reading time 6 minutes

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