Global awareness of Early Access (EAAC)
Early Access mutual feedback, communication and gamers’ engagement
- Gamers’ interest in providing feedback to devs
- Engagement in discussions and real influence of the final version of the game
- How gamers communicate with developers
- Gamers’ feedback experience
- Regional differences in attitudes toward discussions with devs and feedback
- How gamers comment on or review games
Early Access purchase channels, frequency,drivers and blockers
- Purchases: how many, how often, and where
- Usage
- Purchases by region
- Purchase drivers
- Purchase blockers
Early Access direct experiences & emotions
- General experiences
- EAAC positive experiences
- EAAC negative experiences
- EAAC refund experiences
- Time spent in EAAC games
- Perceived quality of games being previously in EAAC
Early Access strenghts, weaknessess, expectations, needs and gamers’ tolerance
- Expectations regarding the content of EAAC games
- Expectations regarding the length of EAAC games
- Tolerance regarding the period a game is EAAC
- Attitudes regarding „fair reasons” to offer EAAC game
- EAAC imperfections – what is tolerated by gamers
- EAAC imperfections – what is NOT tolerated by gamers
Genres accepted and avoided in Early. And what about multiplayer enthusiasts?
- Genres are more frequently bought in EAAC
- Multiplayer enthusiasts vs. others in buying and using EAAC games
Pricing issues
- The optimal pricing of EAAC game
- Gamers willingness to pay for EAAC
Gamers' sources of information about games in general