What comic books do players know, and what are their favorites? - Try Evidence
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What comic books do players know, and what are their favorites?

Comic books recognition, reading and attitudes (Gaming Sense™ 2021)

October 18, 2021

What comic books do players know, and what are their favorites?

Comic books recognition, reading and attitudes (Gaming Sense™ 2021)

October 18, 2021

Report from a survey of 300 respondents from 6 markets, aged 16-74. We investigated players’ unaided and aided awareness of different comic book franchises, i.e. which comic book titles come to their minds spontaneously (both in general and as first), which of the well-known, global comic book brands are the most recognizable, and the respondents’ attitudes towards them. This report offers insights about many gamers read comics and how much time they spend on it.

Number of pages: 10


Poland USA Russia South Korea Germany UK



Price: 750 EUR

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Table of contents:

Unaided awareness of comic book franchises (general and by market)
Players’ top-of-mind awareness of comic books
Aided awareness of comic book franchises
Players’ attitudes to individual comic book franchises
Declared comic book readership among the surveyed players

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