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What games do gamers like, how do they play them and what do they expect from them?

Expectations of gamers concerning specific game genres (Gaming Sense™ 2020)

December 10, 2020

What games do gamers like, how do they play them and what do they expect from them?

Expectations of gamers concerning specific game genres (Gaming Sense™ 2020)

December 10, 2020

Report from a survey of 600 respondents aged 16-74. The report covers unaided awareness of IP in particular genres and which settings and genres, according to players, are over- or underrepresented on the market. We have comprehensively examined the expectations of players towards selected game genres, as well as identified the most frustrating and most enjoyable aspects of games of each genre: action, adventure, turn-based strategy, RPG, survival horror & RTS.





Price: 1000 EUR

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Table of contents:

Game franchises that first come to mind in specific genres: action, fighting, hack and slash, MMORPG, adventure, RPG, RTS, stealth, sports, turn-based strategies, survival horror, simulators, racing
Gamers’ perceived saturation of the market with specific genres
  • Genres which, according to gamers, are underrepresented
  • Genres which, according are properly represented
Saturation of the markets with specific video game settings
  • Settings, which, according to gamers, are underrepresented
  • Settings, which, according to gamers, are properly represented
Expectations regarding games in specific genres: action, adventure, RPG, RTS, turn-based strategies, survival horror
Pains & gains of specific genres: action, adventure, RPG, RTS, turn-based strategies, survival horror

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