Gaming Sense™ 2022: Early Access Report - Try Evidence

Gaming Sense™ 2022: Early Access

What players like, dislike, and hate in Early Access?

June 2, 2022

Gaming Sense™ 2022: Early Access

What players like, dislike, and hate in Early Access?

June 2, 2022

The report on the survey of 1,218 players from 11 markets. We surveyed the players’ familiarity with Early Access, their understanding of its principles, and many other issues connected to this publishing mode.

We prepared the study and the report together with our partners and clients; all this to provide as much practical knowledge as possible.

Number of pages: 69


USA Japan Russia South Korea Germany UK France Canada Italy Spain



Price: 990 EUR

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If you don’t need a full report please contact us.

We can prepare a specific part exclusively for you.

Table of contents:

Global awareness of Early Access (EAAC)
Early Access mutual feedback, communication and gamers’ engagement
  • Gamers’ interest in providing feedback to devs
  • Engagement in discussions and real influence of the final version of the game
  • How gamers communicate with developers
  • Gamers’ feedback experience
  • Regional differences in attitudes toward discussions with devs and feedback
  • How gamers comment on or review games
Early Access purchase channels, frequency,drivers and blockers
  • Purchases: how many, how often, and where
  • Usage
  • Purchases by region
  • Purchase drivers
  • Purchase blockers
Early Access direct experiences & emotions
  • General experiences
  • EAAC positive experiences
  • EAAC negative experiences
  • EAAC refund experiences
  • Time spent in EAAC games
  • Perceived quality of games being previously in EAAC
Early Access strenghts, weaknessess, expectations, needs and gamers’ tolerance
  • Expectations regarding the content of EAAC games
  • Expectations regarding the length of EAAC games
  • Tolerance regarding the period a game is EAAC
  • Attitudes regarding „fair reasons” to offer EAAC game
  • EAAC imperfections – what is tolerated by gamers
  • EAAC imperfections – what is NOT tolerated by gamers
Genres accepted and avoided in Early. And what about multiplayer enthusiasts?
  • Genres are more frequently bought in EAAC
  • Multiplayer enthusiasts vs. others in buying and using EAAC games
Pricing issues
  • The optimal pricing of EAAC game
  • Gamers willingness to pay for EAAC
Gamers' sources of information about games in general
What players like, dislike, and hate in Early Access What players like, dislike, and hate in Early Access

Do you need a specific report that is tailored to your needs?

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